Are Entrepreneurs Anti-Social?

It has often been said that capitalism is bad and socialism is good. The socialists always find ways to hammer on the capitalists whenever they can, showing that they are somehow greedy. But alas, free-market capitalism exploits this truism of human nature, almost along the same lines as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
Those who want to make more money work harder and produce more of what people want, and they are rewarded for doing so – those who produce less have less money, and this ensures that humanity wherever it uses free-market capitalism is always in a state of abundance – that is a good thing, and therefore the entrepreneurs who make it all happen are good people regardless of their human nature, because they are doing good. That is of course, if we can all agree on the definition of good – if the definition of being good is doing good, then therefore entrepreneurs are good – enough said.
There was an interesting article in PhsyOrg Online Science News recently titled; “The dark side of entrepreneurship: Researchers prove anti-social tendencies of entrepreneurs,” published on August 6, 2013 by Friedrich Shiller University of Jena in Germany.
Well, as an entrepreneur, who knows maybe by their standards I am anti-socialable, but I say to this label; “forget that nonsense – what is anti-social anyway? Anyone who can see the fake leadership, false authority, and unfortunately sometimes kindergarten level of human intelligence along with all the laws made to protect people from themselves will opt-out of the social plan – and create their own better deal for themselves – in walks the entrepreneur!”
If that is being an entrepreneur, great, it means they are smarter and such silly research and groupthink teams are not up to the level of IQ needed to understand perhaps what they are studying or even why. So take that. And that is my view and opinion, but maybe we should pry deeper into this debate, seeing as the research was quite one-sided.
Now then, I know that many in Germany consider themselves socialists and consider the nation, a socialist nation, but to put forth this research calling Entrepreneurs “Anti-Social” is really a derogatory statement, even if one attempts to back it up with empirical data. If anti-social is a kid in kindergarten who doesn’t want to eat graham crackers and milk and lie down for an hours nap like all the other kids, or follow the Pied Piper into a ditch or jump off a cliff because everyone else does, or even refuse to follow the norm, because they see where it is going and have an idea for a better way – then in reality the entrepreneur is an original thinker.
In this case, having the superior attribute of mental acuity for a human being, if that is anti-social, then “anti-social” is a term that society needs to come to terms with and re-define.
In any case, I did write this article to rattle your cage, especially if you are a socialist utopia builder. It is my belief that only free-market capitalism can build a perfect utopia, because socialism never has, and “the road to hell has always been paved with the greatest intentions,” or so someone once said (a famous quote which you can Google). Please consider all this and think on it.